Launching the global Educational Design Contest 2024/25: Teaching AI on the Edge

We are pleased to launch our global Education Design Competition with the theme "Teaching AI on the Edge."


Mobile and edge devices are deploying new artificial intelligence (AI) applications that will have a transformational impact on society. How can academia prepare the next generation of engineers to leverage the opportunities and address the challenges presented by Edge AI?


This competition invites educators from all over the world to submit examples of curriculum or instructional material that effectively teaches the principles and applications of Edge AI.  We’re not necessarily looking for a complete course – we welcome any contribution that focuses on a specific aspect of ‘Teaching AI on the Edge.’ All contributions will be showcased here on our EduLabs.

The key themes that we’re looking to cover are:

Motivations for Running Edge AI

  • Explaining the critical need for Edge AI in today’s technological landscape.
  • Highlighting the benefits of processing data closer to the source, including reduced latency, enhanced privacy, and improved efficiency.
  • Discussing real-world applications where Edge AI is making a significant impact, such as smart cities, healthcare, autonomous vehicles, and IoT devices.

Best Practices for Teaching Edge AI

  • Teaching examples that illustrate engaging and interactive teaching methodologies to make complex concepts accessible.
  • Hands-on projects and real-world case studies to illustrate theoretical knowledge.
  • Examples that utilize a blend of traditional and modern educational tools, including online platforms, simulation tools, and collaborative projects.

Key Technologies

  • Examples that provide an overview of the essential technologies powering Edge AI, including microcontrollers, edge servers, and specialized AI hardware.
  • Lab exercises that illustrate software frameworks and development tools commonly used in Edge AI.
  • Learning exercises that illustrate advancements in deploying LLMs onto edge devices.

Societal Impact of AI

  • Curriculum that discusses the ethical implications and responsibilities of deploying AI at the edge.
  • Exercises that illustrate the potential societal benefits and risks.
  • Foster discussions on regulatory frameworks and guidelines to ensure responsible AI deployment.

Competition Details:

  • Eligibility: Open to educators and AI professionals, globally.
  • Submission Requirements: Examples of Instructional Materials could include (but are not limited to):
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Infographics
  • Presentations
  • Project Based Learning Exercises
  • Lab Exercises
  • Essays
  • Assessment strategies
  • Course outlines
  • Judging Criteria: Innovation, comprehensiveness, practical applicability, and alignment with the competition's key themes.
  • Prizes: The best entries will be supported by Arm to attend ASEE 2025. Additional cash prizes and a chance to have your course featured on EduLabs is also on offer.

Important Dates:

  • Competition opens: June 25th, 2024
  • 1st Reminder Call for Submissions – 1st September 2024.
  • 2nd Reminder Call for Submissions – 1st November 2024
  • Deadline for submissions on EduLabs – 1st February 2025
  • 1st round judging – 1st March, 2025
  • 2nd round judging- 1st April, 2025
  • Winners announced – 1st May, 2025

 Judging Process

  • Judging panel will consider of representatives from University of Southampton, Arm Education and members of the Semiconductor Education Alliance
  • Judging will consist of two rounds.
    • Round 1: Judging panel will review submissions and select the best 8 courses.
    • Round 2: Judges will invite 8 successful applicants to attend a question-and-answer session. Applicants will give a short presentation and answer any questions judges may have.
    • Based on their presentations, judges will select the three co-winners.

IP statement:

  • A reminder that all participants will need to ensure that they have the necessary permissions to share their instructional materials publicly.
Published 21 June 2024 16:31:27 UTC
