VLSI Fundamentals: A Practical Approach Education Kit covers the fundamentals of Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) design, including how the theories and concepts can be applied in the design of simple logic circuits and in the physical implementation of a simplified microprocessor.
Organisations: Arm Education
Target Audience
University students studying in computer science, electronic engineering or other engineering related degrees. Hobbyists, early-career professionals. Makers. Lecturers.
Overarching Learning Aims:
Knowledge and understanding of
- The characteristics of the nonideal transistor due to high field effects, channel length modulation, threshold voltage effects and leakage
- How to estimate the characteristics of CMOS circuits including noise margins, DC response and RC delay models.
- How to estimate the resistance and capacitance of on-chip wires and describe methods to optimize wire delay, power consumption and crosstalk in on-chip wires.
- The operation of CMOS latches and flip-flops and plan cell layouts using stick diagrams.
- The limits imposed by timing constraints such as setup and hold time, propagation and contamination delays in sequential circuits.
- The importance of testing in chip design and the concepts of stuck-at fault, Automatic Test Pattern Generation, Built in Self Test.
- The different SRAM architecture.
- The sources of power dissipation in a circuit and methods to control power losses.
- The implications of clock distribution networks on skew and clock power consumption.
- The sources and effects of on-chip variation.
- How to simulate a circuit using Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) to determine its DC transfer characteristics, Transient response and Power consumption.
- Outline the key characteristics/features of nMOS and pMOS transistors and draw the cross section of a CMOS inverter.
- Use plots and cross section diagrams to describe the current and voltage (I-V) characteristics of the MOS device when operating in cut off, linear and saturation regions.
- Describe the effects of technology scaling on the number and cost of transistors power dissipation in devices.
- Explain logical effort and show how it can be applied in minimizing the delay of a combinational circuit path.
- Explain and demonstrate techniques used to optimize combinational logic circuits for best critical paths and best delay/power trade-offs for logic gates.
- Describe and explain the features of different adder architectures including: Carry-Ripple Adder, Carry-Skip Adder, Carry-Lookahead Adder, Carry-Select Adder, Carry-Increment Adder and Tree Adder.
- Design and describe the operation of data path circuits such as comparators, shifters, multi-input adders and multipliers.
- Describe the operation of Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection circuits using their circuit diagram.
- Describe the implementation of a simplified processor at abstraction levels including: Architecture, Microarchitecture, Logic Design, Circuit Design, Physical Design, Verification & Test.
- Design, implement, simulate, and verify simple logic gates from transistor level schematic to layout.
- Use NC-Verilog to simulate and verify the operation of logic blocks.
- Use design compiler to synthesize logic gates from hardware description language and use SOC Encounter to place and route logic design.
- Assemble a chip from schematic, layout, add pad frame and then tape out in GDSII format.
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![[thumbnail of]](
![[thumbnail of Module_1_intro.pptx]](
Module 1: Introduction
![[thumbnail of Getting_Started.docx]](
Module 1: Introduction: Getting Started Lab Manual
![[thumbnail of Module_2_cktlay.pptx]](
Module 2: Circuit & Layout
![[thumbnail of LAB_1.docx]](
Module 2: Circuit & Layout: Lab Manual
![[thumbnail of Module_3_processorEx.pptx]](
Module 3: Simple Processor Example
![[thumbnail of Module_4_transistors.pptx]](
Module 4: CMOS Transistor Theory
![[thumbnail of Module_5_nonideal.pptx]](
Module 5: Non-ideal Transistor Theory
![[thumbnail of Module_6_dctran.pptx]](
Module 6: DC & Transient Response
![[thumbnail of Module_7_logicaleffort.pptx]](
Module 7: Logical Effort
![[thumbnail of LAB_2.docx]](
Module 7: Logical Effort: Lab Manual
![[thumbnail of Module_8_power.pptx]](
Module 8: Power
![[thumbnail of Module_9_scaling.pptx]](
Module 9: Scaling
![[thumbnail of Module_10_spice.pptx]](
Module 10: SPICE Simulation
![[thumbnail of Module_11_comb.pptx]](
Module 11: Combinational Circuit Design
![[thumbnail of LAB_3.docx]](
Module 11: Combinational Circuit Design: Lab Manual
![[thumbnail of Module_12_seq.pptx]](
Module 12: Sequential Circuit Design
![[thumbnail of Module_13_wires.pptx]](
Module 13: Wires
![[thumbnail of Module_14_adders.pptx]](
Module 14: Adders
![[thumbnail of Module_15_datapath.pptx]](
Module 15: Datapath Functional Units
![[thumbnail of Module_16_sram.pptx]](
Module 16: SRAM
![[thumbnail of Module_17_clocking.pptx]](
Module 17: Clocking
![[thumbnail of LAB_4.docx]](
Module 17: Clocking: Lab Manual
![[thumbnail of Module_18_pitfalls.pptx]](
Module 18: Pitfalls
![[thumbnail of Module_19_test.pptx]](
Module 19: Test
![[thumbnail of Module_20_custom.pptx]](
Module 20: Packing, I/O & Power Distribution
VLSI Fundamentals: A Practical Approach Education Kit covers the fundamentals of Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) design, including how the theories and concepts can be applied in the design of simple logic circuits and in the physical implementation of a simplified microprocessor.
Course Type: Open
Organisations: Arm Education
Contributors: | GitHub Contributor: | Oyinkuro Benafa |
GitHub Contributor: | Liz Warman | |
GitHub Contributor: | David Mackenzie | |
GitHub Contributor: | Francis Catan |
Course Structure
Interests: Asynchronous Circuit , Asynchronous Circuit , Radio Frequency Design , Radio Frequency Design