This is an adaptation of the original ARM University DSP Education Kit ( to serve the specificities of an undergraduate signal processing course at the University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering
Level: Level 6 (BSc)
Organisations: University of Porto
Target Audience
Undergraduate students taking a first signal processing course; anyone interested in the fundamentals of signal processing from a practical standpoint
A basic course on signals and systems
Overarching Learning Aims:
This course aims to motivate students to the fundamental concepts, techniques and tools of analysis and design in the field of Signal Processing (SP). A particular emphasis is given to specific topics, notably
- sampling and reconstruction of signals;
- the Z-Transform;
- the design and realization of FIR and IIR filters;
- discrete equivalents of continuous systems;
- the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its fast computation through the FFT;
- practical applications of the DFT mainly in correlation studies and spectral analysis.
A central objective is to empower students to solve signal processing-related problems and to motivate them to laboratory experimentation through the design, testing, and practical validation of solutions for selected challenges by following a "hands-on", "learning-by-doing", and "active learning" approach.
Attendance and successful completion of this course will enable students
- to understand the process of sampling and signal reconstruction and to anticipate its implications when applied to real signals;
- to design, implement and test digital FIR and IIR filters according to specific operation and signal conditioning requirements, including in adaptive filtering;
- to fully understand the DFT, its circular properties, and fast implementation alternatives (FFT);
- to be able to identify and realize potential applications of the DFT, particularly in fast FIR filtering, correlation studies, and in spectral analysis.
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U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 01
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 01
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 02
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 02
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 03
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 03
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 03
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 04
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 04
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 05
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 05
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 06
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 06
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 07
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 07
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 08
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 08
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 09
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 09
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 10
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 10
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 11
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 11
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 12
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: LAB 12
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: Protective casing
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: Protective casing
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: Protective casing
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: Protective casing
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: Protective casing
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: Protective casing
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: Protective casing
U.Porto version of DSP Education Kit main: Protective casing
This is an adaptation of the original ARM University DSP Education Kit ( to serve the specificities of an undergraduate signal processing course at the University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering
Course Type: Open
Organisations: University of Porto
Creators: | Aníbal J. S. Ferreira |
Contributors: | GitHub Contributor: | Aníbal J. S. Ferreira |
Course Structure
Length: One semester (= 12 weeks)
Interests: Discrete time signal , Signal processing algorithms , Real time digital signal processing